Dollar Cost Averaging

Maximize the growth of your money with this compounding power up!

Let's say you want to invest in Tesla, but the stock price is going up and down every day

You're trying to invest when the stock is at its "lowest price", but you're not sure when that'll happen 😬

Meet Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) 👋

DCA = Investing a certain amount of $ in a stock at a regular interval (e.g. once a week)

Instead of trying to guess when a stock will go up or down. . .

DCA lets you invest in the stock at various prices across time to achieve an "average" cost 📊

To apply DCA, you can start investing $20 in Tesla every week, regardless of its price, until you've reached your desired ownership amount (e.g. $200 total invested)

Maybe Tesla goes up 5% this week, but goes down 10% next week 📈📉

Thanks to DCA, you don't need to worry about these fluctuations, because you're focused on buying the stock for the long term

DCA helps you avoid "timing" the market, which many professional investors compare to gambling 🎲

Bloom even lets you set up DCA automatically, with its "recurring order" feature!

When you buy a stock, you can set how much you want to invest, and the schedule that you want to invest at 🕒

Now you know that Dollar Cost Averaging can be a great way to invest in companies you believe in, without needing to deal with the stress of day-to-day price changes 🤑

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If you do not have lots of $ to invest, or know when to invest. . .

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Dollar Cost Averaging can be a great way to

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