Mark Cuban: Risk Boundaries

Watching Shark Tank might be a great learning experience for companies, but what about when it comes to smaller investments?

Even though buying a share of stock might not be as risky as starting a company, Cuban believes that you should only invest up to 10% of your portfolio into risky investments! 🧮

On a similar note, even before he got rich, Cuban has always has 6 months of income saved. That's enough money for an emergency fund! 💸

Next, find ways to inexpensively invest in the market, and find easy ways to diversify as well.

Luckily for you, you can purchase fractional shares & ETFs on Bloom 😎

Third, if you do not understand the risks of an investment, it’s okay to not invest yet.

But instead of doing nothing, take the time to educate yourself until you understand the risk! 🧠

And fourth, be a smart shopper by avoiding third-party advice when it comes to investments 🤓

Test your knowledge

Cuban believes that if you do not understand an investment you should

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When it comes to risk, Cuban believes you should. . .

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Cuban believes that smart investing includes. . .

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