Call Options

Learn how call options give you the right to buy a stock at a specific price and profit if the stock price goes up 📈

There are two types of options that allow you to bet on a stock going up or down: calls and puts 👯

Let’s explore call options ➡️

A call option gives you the right to BUY a stock at a certain price 📈

Let’s say you buy a call option for one share of Nike stock with a strike price of $100 👟

If Nike’s stock price goes up to $120, you can exercise your option to buy the stock for $100 and sell it for $120, making a $20 profit 🤑

💡When you exercise your option, you don’t actually need to spend $100 to buy the stock – you just pocket the $20 profit!

But if Nike’s stock price stays below $100, you can’t exercise your option, and you’d lose the premium you paid for the option unless you sell it to someone else 💵

So now you know that call options are what you’d use if you think a stock’s price will go UP past a certain price.

Next, let’s learn about its evil twin: put options! 😈

Test your knowledge

What does a call option give you the right to do?

Choose an option

When can you exercise a call option on Nike stock with a strike price of $100?

Choose an option

What do you lose if you cannot exercise your call option?

Choose an option

When might you decide to buy a call option?

Choose an option

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