Stock Market Crimes

There's criminals in every industry, and the stock market is no different. Let's dive into some common stock market crimes and learn how you can avoid them!

Imagine if the stock market was a big game of Monopoly 🎩

Now, imagine if one player could secretly roll the dice any number they wanted 🎲

That wouldn't be fair, right?

In the stock market, criminals can “cheat” by manipulating prices, misleading investors, or unjustly enriching themselves at the expense of other investors 📉📈

Why should you care?

Because these crimes can distort the market, making it harder for you to make informed investment decisions 😔

Your hard-earned money could be at risk if you unknowingly get caught in these schemes 💸

Compared to other criminals, stock market criminals can be harder to spot because they may look like successful investors, bankers or businessmen from the outset, but actually be running devious scams 😈

As an investor, staying informed about these crimes helps you stay away from them to protect your investments.

In this journey, we’ll explore some of the crimes that people can commit in the stock market, as well as some of its most famous criminals 🤝

Test your knowledge

Why is it important to know about stock market crimes?

Choose an option

What is at risk due to stock market schemes?

Choose an option

Which industry does NOT experience crimes?

Choose an option

What's next?

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