CD Savings Accounts

People always say the enemy to your budget is you - what if you could fully prevent spending your savings though? 🤔

The hardest part of budgeting isn’t making the plan, it’s sticking to it 😔

But what if you could ensure you don’t spend your savings? 👀

Time to meet CDs 💿

They play music, but in the financial world, they keep your savings locked away ⏳

CDs are like time capsules for your money! 💰

💡CD stands for certificate of deposit

You put a fixed amount of money into a CD for a specific period of time, and you can’t take it out until that time passes ⏰

💡A term is the time you agree to leave your money in a CD.

Terms can be short or long! 📚

Why use a CD?

Well, they have high interest rates around 5% - a lot compared to traditional savings account rates of 0.01% to 0.03% ⚡

Okay, but what if you really need the money? 🚨

You can take the funds out, but you usually pay a fee 😔

So, if you have money you won’t need for a while, a CD can be a great option 💪

There are also plenty of different CD types with different terms from as little as 7 months to a long 10 years! 👀

So you still have some flexibility when it comes to saving your money 🏦

Now you know that a CD is like a safe where your money grows over time. 💪

Use your savings power wisely! 🧠

Test your knowledge

CD stands for. . .

Choose an option

The “term” is how long you. . .

Choose an option

If you want to withdraw the money before the term. . .

Choose an option

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