Credit can be classified into two main types, installment, and revolving credit.
First we’ll learn about installment credit 💪
💡Installment credit = borrowing a fixed amount of money and repaying it in regular installments over a set period of time.
Let’s say you are buying a PS4. 🎮
Instead of paying all of the money upfront, some services let you pay the amount every month until you’ve paid the full price. 📅
Installment loans are often used for large purchases, such as a car or a house, or a brand-new PS4 🤑
Installment loans usually have fixed interest rates, meaning the amount you repay each month is the same each month. 💸
They also have a fixed amount of time or a “set term” for how long you’ll be paying off the loan ⌚
Although less common with digital installments, some installment loans have pre-payment penalties 🤯
This means you’re fined if you pay too early! 👀
So, installment credit is becoming more popular with online shopping services like Klarna and Afterpay 🚀
Now you know the details!
Choose an option
Fixed amount of money
Variable amount of money
Specific loaner period
Variable periods for different amounts
Regular periods for the same amount
One payment upfront
Pay In 4/Klarna/AfterPay online shopping methods
Only in official homeowners loans
Only in car loans
Revolving Credit
Interest Rates