Invest In What You Know

Picking your first stock can feel scary! Well, here’s a great way to start 👉

Picking your first stock might feel a bit intimidating, but you may already know some great stocks to choose from 👀

One way to pick your first stock is to choose from the companies you already interact with every day 📝

Who makes the device in your hand, the shoes you wear or the soda you drink? 🥤

Try it yourself: list your 5 favorite companies that you interact with everyday 🖐️

Maybe you thought of Apple, Starbucks, Nike or Netflix!

Well, these are all companies you can invest in right on Bloom 🤯

The insight you have as a customer is a superpower when it comes to investing 💪

After all, you know how much you like a company's products, how popular they are with your friends and family, how people perceive their brand and more 🛍️

But finding companies you know is only the first step.

Next, Bloom will teach you how to analyze stocks to determine if they're good investments or not ✅

Test your knowledge

Which of the following is useful when evaluating a company you know?

Choose an option

Customers of a company have a unique sense of. . .

Choose an option

You can start with your 5 companies you know and. . .

Choose an option

What's next?

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