Apple: Modern Obstacles

Even if an apple a day can keep the doctor away, it doesn’t help with bankruptcy and ambitious plans.

Apple struggled to develop operating software and poured funds into failed versions, resulting in near bankruptcy in 1996! 💸🚫

In the early 2000s, Apple fiercely competed with Microsoft, since it had better computer software 😱

The Macintosh market share fell from 10% to 3%.

In the 2010s, Apple was smooth sailing for a bit, so they tried to launch a self-driving car but ultimately scrapped the project 🚗

They’ve recently settled for a new CarPlay screen instead

In 2021, Apple Retail workers began to unionize, but otherwise still suffer from poor working conditions and brutal hours 😞

Big goals and incomplete plans are a common issue for Apple, including a ‘Healthcare Revolution,’ Apple Glasses, and other interesting but far-off products 🧬

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In 1996, Apple acquired another company to launch. . .

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Similar to other tech companies with physical products, Apple’s. . .

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Apple has a lot of

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