Apple: Growth

How Apple began to take over the computer world and build a brilliant brand.

In 1984, Jobs held one of the first Apple product launches to introduce the Macintosh 🎭

The conference was described as a ‘pandemonium’, and Jobs continued to use theatrical cues and music to excite the crowd!

That November, Apple spent $2.5 million to buy out all 39 pages of Newsweek, a major newspaper at the time! 📰

Apple also let customers with credit cards test a Macintosh for 24 hours and return it if they didn’t want to pay for it 👀

Apple ran out of computers, and many returned damaged computers.

Under the leadership of John Sculley, the CEO at the time, Apple issued its first dividend

Investors and customers were happy as Apple’s computers continued to sell out 💸

But, the competition was starting to beat Apple 🐎

IBM computers became far more popular, and Apple’s new product lines began to confuse customers!

In 1997, Jobs returned as CEO, and turned the company around 💼

He partnered with Microsoft to gain access to the Microsoft Office software and $150 million of funding!

In 1999, Apple released the iMac, and iBook and opened numerous retail stores nationwide 🛍

In 2001 Apple released the iPod 💎

The beauty of their products and their high price tags quickly turned Apple into a luxury brand that everyone desired 🤑

And in 2008, Apple launched their best selling product even, the legendary iPhone 📱

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What was the result of the Mac return policy?

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Jobs launched products that

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To justify the price of their products, Apple

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