Snapchat: Modern Obstacles

The digital world brings opportunities and obstacles. Is Snapchat forgotten? And how does it navigate new privacy laws?

The feeling of private conversation out of the public eye is what so many love about Snapchat.

But many creators have complained that it’s hard to grow an audience and monetize on the app.

And in 2016, Instagram successfully launched Snapchat’s once-unique feature of 24-hour stories 📱

In response, Snapchat rolled out a new update that users hated and even petitioned against.

Snapchat has also struggled to escape the idea of them being a “teen-only” app 🧒

Scandals of teens misusing the concept of disappearing content didn't help either.

Investors in the industry believe Snap is trying to become a “super-app” for gaming, shopping, and social all in one.

But, with recent privacy updates, ad revenue has taken a hit.

Snapchat continues to tout its yearly innovation, but the stock has taken a hit 📉

Keep an eye on the news and their public updates to see where the social media giant goes.

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