Tesla: Modern Obstacles

With great success comes great regulation and supply issues. The struggles of Tesla today.

Musk and Tesla first had issues with the SEC in 2018, when Musk tweeted claims to take Tesla private 🔐

The tweets were “false and misleading,” so Musk stepped down as Chairman for three years and was fined $20 million 🤑

Tesla was great at selling cars but struggled to deliver them.

In 2017 after the launch of the Model 3, only 220k out of 400k cars were delivered 📦

In 2018 and throughout the rest of the pandemic, Tesla’s other models suffered from delays since computer chip technology was hard to come by 🍪

The stock plummeted as investors and customers claimed that Tesla ‘overpromised’ 😭

Once customers finally got their cars, a new owner and even Musk admitted that interior quality was lacking 👀

Leaks, poor seating, and more issues spread across Reddit and the press cycle.

In 2021, Tesla recalled nearly 500,000 cars over eight separate recalls for safety issues 🤕

Customers today still complain about the slow turnaround at service centers, steering wheel failure, expensive maintenance, and bugs during cold weather 🥶

Despite the challenges, in 2021 Tesla reported revenues of $53.8 billion, almost double from the previous year 🤑

Today, Tesla is a $500 BILLION company -- worth more than its next 5 competitors COMBINED!

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Tesla has recalled ~500k cars over eight times for

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The SEC has investigated Musk at least twice because of

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Tesla is heavily dependent on. . .

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